Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is this the Democrats supporting our troops?

We have always known here at Right of Center that the Democrats in general, and the Liberals in particular, dislike the military. They dislike the concept, the mission, and the ethos involved. They belittle the warrior spirit - and find the patriotism found in the military an anachronism.

From John Kerry (did you know he served in Vietnam) saying our soldiers were terrorizing woman and children; to John Murtha calling them cold blooded killers; To Princess Pelosi working to undermine our bases in Turkey; To them all having voted to cut of aid to the troops; TO Harry Reid saying the war was lost and the surge had failed (before it had actually started;To Pelosi supporting Code Pink in their attempt to ban Military recruiters from Berkley;To them blaming our troops for the global 'cycle of violence'.

But, today we have reached a new low.

His Highness, the Lord Most Righteous Obama, has suggested that we change the rules on how we pay for care our troops who have been injured in battle. Currently, the Veterans Administration covers their medical costs. This is how is has always been. This is how it should be. These are our wounded warriors. These are the men and women who go into harms way to protect and defend the rest of us. The least we can do is to care for them should any harm befall them.

The Messiah's idea? Make these heroes private insurance reimburse the VA for the cost of their care!! In essence, make the troops responsible for their own, combat related, injuries. What ass-wipe in the White House thought of this. It is as bad an idea as I have heard from them - and I have heard some doozies.

First - we owe it to the soldiers to treat them better than this. Our paying for their care is an essential part of the fabric of the military. This, then, must be why The Messiah and his minions have chosen to attack.

And, from a practical level, will an ex-soldier ever expect to get insurance? Or get a job that offers insurance. If the insurance carrier knows, in advance, the possible extent of the expenses involved. These questions should never had had to be ask.

Further - B. Hussein wants to nationalize Health Care for all of us. Why in the hell then would he do this to soldiers? The VA is already a form of Nationalized Health Care - the Liberal wet dream (which helps explain it's wide spread deficiencies). So - it is nationalized and he wants to re-privatize it, while at the same time nationalize care for you and me?? What the hell?

It is clear. The Libs dislike the Military to the extreme. They have shown it over and over by both word and deed. Shame on them. But, shame has no meaning to them. They are all about power, control, and retribution. They are not happy we won in Iraq - it did not fit the template the Bush was a liar and bumbler.

Maybe this is a way for them to extract some small amount of revenge for having been shown 100% wrong on Iraq. F- them .. F- all of them

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