Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hey UN - ... and the horse you road in on

Few things chap my fanny more the the freaking UN. This is probably the most worthless, and certainly the most corrupt, organization in the world.

These bastards try to sit there in New York and tell us that we to do this or that to satisfy the 'world community'. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damned about the 'world community' when it comes to their opinion of our foreign policy. We should do what is best for US - let the rest of the world do likewise.

What has my hackles up today? Well, as you can read in this article, some ass-clown at the UN is calling us 'deadbeat donors'! Talk about balls! We already pay WAY more than our 'fair share'. We let the 3rd world thug dictators into this country under the guise of being a 'diplomat'. And they are exempt from our laws while they are here.

Then we have to sit and listen to them bad mouth US. They sit in our own house and preach to US?? They also bad mouth Israel while they are at it.

I say US out of the UN and UN out of the US. Let them meet in Brussels. Most of them would fit right in if the UN moved to Venezuela.

Let these anti-American turd wanna-bees peddle their wares elsewhere. We have had enough.

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