Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Barack - Kind of like 'Lost'

Watching Barack Hussein Obama (a.k.a. -BHO) kind of reminds me of the TV show LOST. My wife and daughter got hooked on it. It was very exciting for the first few episodes. Lots of buzz and speculation on what would come next. It was a big hit.

Then… it seems, the writers were stumped. They apparently did not map out the whole story line in advance. After the show got traction, they were left asking themselves ‘What the hell do we do now?’.

BHO - started with great splash and dash. Lots of excitement. (Now granted, BHO did not have the scary black cloud, the mutant polar bear on the tropical island, or the mysterious underground bunker with the annoying-repeating countdown clock)

But, now, it is obvious that the creators of BHO, like LOST, have no idea where to go next. He lacks substance. Like a firecracker - once the flash and boom fade - there is nothing left but smoke. There is no ‘there’ there to the man. Get him off the teleprompter and he is in search of a cogent thought.

Sadly - he still may have a chance to be President. God save the Republic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. That cuts deep; it cuts deep...