Monday, April 26, 2010

Obama - the great Divider

Well I guess it was only a matter of time. Our vaunted President has sunk to a new low. In the video below, he expresses,with surprising frankness who he is interested in in the upcoming elections 'young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women'.

I guess John Edwards was right after all - there are two Americas. The group above that Obama cares about - and then everyone else. And, though he did not say it, I am sure he meant to say 'liberal' in front of each of those. Because I doubt he is interested in hearing from my conservative, female friends.

Folks, this is not a good thing. Whatever happened to appealing to the best of our natures? To trying to inspire us. In short, to lead. What happened to trying to be the President of all the people?

He took his obligatory swipe at 'wall street' and the banks and the special interests. (Of course, he IS keeping the roughly one million dollars Goldman Sachs donated to his campaign - even after it was announced they are under investigation. So, he must not be TOO outraged.) He leads one to believe if you oppose him - you must be part of that evil cabal. Forget about the 60% of the that oppose health care reform and Cap and Trade. No - that cannot be real opposition, it must have been ginned up by the evil lobbyists.

Has he just written off anyone not on that list? Oh wait - that list only excluded white men. I guess he figures if he can hook the rest - the white men can just go piss off? Except the tree hugging liberal white men - they would vote for anyone with a 'D' behind their name.

We tried for months to warn you who this guy really was. Can you hear us now?

Friday, April 9, 2010

And - you are surprised?

This article details the increase in threats against Congress folks (most of whom supported the Health Care takeover).

Now, we should say clearly - We oppose this type of behavior. Threats like this have no place in our system.

Having said that - should one be surprised at this? I mean look - We are supposed to have a form of government where our elected representatives should carry out something at least vaguely resembling our collective desires. Now true - we elected these idiots. Obama won on his hope and change nonsense. Sure - people wanted change - but did they want THIS kind of 'change'? It appears not.

When the Health Care overhaul finally passed - 60+% of Americans opposed it. And the majority that opposed it 'strongly' did so. Congress's response to the collective opinion was 'stick it'. They did what they damned well pleased.

Now we have Congress-people like that idiot Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D.-Fla.), detailed in this article , running around trying to tell us there is not 'mandate' that people buy health insurance. This in spite of the fact that “REQUIREMENT TO MAINTAIN MINIMUM ESSENTIAL COVERAGE" appears in the language of the bill. So, not only did they ignore us before the vote - they feel compelled to lie to us afterwards.

Plus we are seeing stories that our respected Representatives are not having open Town Hall meetings anymore. Instead, they opt for tightly controlled 'round-tables'. Why? Because they are tired of the riff-raff (that would be us) coming and yelling at them about running roughshod over the Constitution and our opinions.

So, with that back-drop - can one be surprised that a few nut-jobs start talking in threatening language?

We will have our chance again in November to 'remind' them of our opinions and desires in November. I just hope to God they start listening.

If not, at some point, if they keep moving us towards bigger and bigger government - someone will take seriously the words of another 'nut-job' from history. Thomas Jefferson wrote, in our own Declaration of Independence: ....That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...