Saturday, February 27, 2010

Congress - Is thy name Treason?

Ok - stay with us on this, the back-story will take a minute - but it is key to understanding this outrage.

In 1915 (yes, 1915) there was a conflict between Armenia and the Ottoman Turks. In the midst of that conflict, a large number of Armenians were killed. The Armenians say 1.5 million, the Turks say not that many. Doesn't really matter at this point.

Since then, the Armenians have been pushing for people to recognize this a genocide - rather than a tragedy of war - which is the Turkish position. Lots of passion around it - no agreement even as to the basic facts.

Fast forward to today. Turkey is part of NATO. More relevant, the are a key ally in our military efforts in IRAQ. We use their air bases as key staging areas for our operations. Ok, so what? Here's what.

Every so often, some dim-bulbed Congressman puts forth a resolution. It's purpose is to officially recognize the events in 1915 as a genocide by Turks against Armenians.

Why would one do this? Well, you could hope that congress is just so concerned about recognizing an event that happened 95 years ago, 6,000 miles away -- that it just has to act? Could there be another reason? Let us ponder.

The Turks have made it clear they would be very offended by such a resolution. When even one committee in the House passed a similar resolution in 2007 the Turks recalled their ambassador. (That is diplomatic speak for 'I am pissed'). They are now even more irate. The worst case scenario? They deny us use of their air bases, thus screwing up operations in Iraq. Ding Ding Ding Ding.... that's it, isn't it.

Those treasonous (yes, I said the T word) bastards in the House that vote for this are taking this action SOLELY to screw up our military operations. They don't give a damned about what happened in 1915. And apparently they don't give a damned about our soldiers either. They hate the operation in Iraq and still are not over it.

And Obama? He is barely any better. On the campaign trail, he promised to recognize the 'genocide'. Now? Well now he is staying silent. George Bush called congressman at home to stop the 2007 action from going to the entire house. Where is Obama? Doing nothing to protect the military. Wow, paint me shocked...not.

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